Consulting and Mentoring

Consulting and Mentoring

We engage on two scales: the organization scale (organizational structure, staff, ILP) and the project scale (concept, design, implementation, evaluation) using integral assessment methodology designed to assess the flow and sticking points within an organization or project. With integral distinctions, with clarity provided by meta-level analysis, and with rigor from our examples and experience in the field, we provide clients new insights on the pathways forward in their work. The format of this engagement includes a series of conference calls and/or a site visit, and involves:

  • Feedback on larger social contexts. Fostering an awareness of both global and national socio-cultural dynamics and the likely paths of social change, to be able to situate a given project or organization in its broadest and most dynamic context.
  • Assessment of the current integration enacted by the organization and how it could be more integral in its design components, implementation and evaluation. This assessment includes a baseline of where individuals and organizations are at, and gives a developmental pathway to follow with specific practices.
  • Mentoring through one-to-one, group sessions, and during site visits, to engage the change process, using integral theory.

Read here about fees and contact us to line up a consultation call.