The Integral Mapping Process - A new way of working together in the world

Event Type: 
Event Date & Time: 
Thursday, October 15th, 12PM - 130PM Pacific Time

When asked if the mainstream project design process is sufficient for meeting the complexity of today’s world, most of us would respond that it is not. But would we be able to explain why? At IWB we have been leaning into both the why, how and what of addressing global issues and have discovered that a key missing piece of the puzzle is the effective and intentional integration of interiors into our work. And, in order to be effective we need to be able to engage with the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous contexts we are working in.

From an Integral perspective we can see that there is no such thing as a silver bullet and that everyone has a part of the overall Truth, yet we can also see that some parts are more complete than others. So how can we validate and include everyone’s piece of the puzzle, while simultaneously transcending the partiality as we move towards greater Wholeness? The Integral Mapping Process helps us to do exactly that by facilitating our individual and collective sense-making around a particular issue and then guiding us towards taking actionable steps towards enacting a better future.

Join IWB Executive Director, Andrew Becker, in a 90-minute web-workshop designed to give you an overview of this Integral Mapping Process and to leave you with seeds for discovering a new way of working together in the world.

Check out a video summary of the process here:


Date Posted: 
Mon. October 12, 2020