This is an introductory document for a total of six case studies on an Integral Approach to international development that explore what an Integral Approach to development is. From Peru to India, New York to Addis Ababa, these case studies tell a story of integration in response to reality as it arises. The Integral Approach is described in brief, pointing out its relevance to international development, a summary is given of the participating organizations in these case studies, a description of the case studies methodology is provided and a synthesis is given of the research findings.
“The Integral Approach helps us in our work in three wasy. First, it confirms what we have been doing; second, it provides an inquiry into where we still have gaps [in our approach] and how we can fill them; and third, it is a foundational and theoretical base that helps us to dialogue with other fields of wisdom and with other development organizations.”
Walberto Virgilio Tejeda Guardado,
Centro Bartolomé de las Casas, El Salvador