"When a facilitator has to say no" synopsis of a mini-teaching by Diane Musho Hamilton and Rebecca Ejo Colwell

A 10 page synopsis of a mini-teaching by Diane Musho Hamilton and Rebecca Ejo Colwell on September 15, 2012. "When a facilitator has to say no", is part of a series of recent teachings called "The Crash & Burn Series" - a practical, experientially-based group learning dialogue about integral facilitation practices. 

These teachings are part of a bold intention to train 200 integral facilitators in the next five years via the "Integral Group Facilitation Project", http://integralfacilitator.com. Everyone is welcome for our next call on March 16th, 2013 - see guerrillaintegral on facebook for event details. 

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Authored or produced by: 
Diane Musho Hamilton, Rebecca Ejo Colwell
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