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Events & News
Our Network
Past Events (Our Lineage)
Intro to Integral Project Design
Taking Everyone with Us
Web-Workshop on Integral Project Design: Finding the Flow (2.0)
Integral Project Design: Finding the Flow
Spanish Language Online Certification Program: Integral Project Design for Social Transformation (DPI)
IWB Community Call: Follow the Energy with Marilyn Hamilton of Integral City
IWB en Antigua, Guatemala
New Online Course: Transdisciplinary and Transformative Practices in Social Change
Volunteer Opportunity: Media Coordinator
Tribute to Emine Kiray
IWB Global Gathering in Kathmandu, Nepal
Reinventing Value Chains in Peru and Bolivia
Integral Response to Nepal Earthquake
Integral Praxis Program in International Development
IWB Global Gathering in Colombia: Integral Practices for Transformation
Integral Nepal Project
Announcing Pragmagia - Programa Facilitación Integral de Procesos
Integral Without Borders to Design A Year-long Certification Program
IWB Sangha Call: Integral Nepal - Integrating Tradition, Globalization and Sustainability.
Integral Without Borders Sangha Call ThriveAbility - A Dynamic, Integral Way to Create a Thriving World in the 21st Century
IWB Sangha Call: Dynamics of Emergence - Local Economic Development
The Basic Moral Intuition in Social Change: Retreat with Genpo Roshi
Boulder Retreat with Ken Wilber
Integral Approach to Climate Resilience
Integral Without Borders Sangha Call, Basic Moral Intuition
IWB Sangha Call: Transformational Change in Development
IWB Sangha Call Working With Resistance
IWB Sangha Call: Working with Shadow in Development
Summer Newsletter: Supply Chains, Integral Praxis Manual and a Community Call.
Integral Leadership Development in Peru!
IWB Fall Newsletter
Engaging Cultures, Societies, and Systems: Applying an Integral Approach to Sustainable Development in Peru
Integral Practitioner in Praxis Gathering Perspectives
Integral Development - A view
Integral Practitioner in Praxis - Conference in South Africa [Program added]
Other Up-Coming Integral Events
integralMENTORS Newsletter 25 - February 2012
Making Meaning of Climate Change: Two New Resources!
New Video Resource on Integral Leadership in Africa: One Sky's Leading From Within Program
Engaging Social Change Consciously: Standing on the Shores of the Dynamism of Individual and Collective
Integral Approach to Development in Nigeria
African Integral Development Network
What Does Climate Change Mean to Me?
Integral Without Borders Event in Vancouver, 2011
Integral Without Borders Meeting Istanbul 2010